Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I thought I would introduce myself (Edie) just incase anyone reads this (this is unlikely but nontheless I feel introductions are very important)

Ok so here are 10 interesting things about me:
10. I have never been to europe. I want to go so bad it hurts.
9. I find new clothes weird, I actually prefer to wear second hand (I'm not going to dress this up and say vintage, it's just not right)
8. I was born in Wellington, New Zealand.
7. I hate tomatoes and avocado.
6. I briefly lived on a farm.
5. I briefly lived on a boat.
4. I dislike people who feel the need to publicly question other people's morals and vaues. I also dislike people who pubicly question their own morals and values.
3. My favourite food is halva (this amazing sweet made from crushed sesame seeds)
2. I have two kittens called The Notorious B.I.G and The Grandmaster Flash (aka Biggie and Flash)
1. I hate talking about myself, its really hard. what about you? what are ten interesting facts or lies even about you?

Proper posts soon but in the meantime....

sounds: Emmy the Great, Lou Reed, Bon Iver, British Sea Power, Nouvelle Vague.

films: Le Premier Jour Du Reste De Ta Vie, Atonement, Being John Malkovich.

books: Roald Dahl's short stories <3

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